I was never one of those girls that dreamt of the perfect white wedding when they were little. In fact, up until around the age of 15, I was a football playing - I shit kid you not - nike tracksuit wearing tom boy that spent all her time playing football, watching some kind of sport or studying Frank Lampard's tackle.*

*No pun intended (pun totally intended)

Geezer bird insults aside, despite not being wedding obsessed, I was invited along to the National Wedding show recently after working with BareMinerals - who are one of the shows official sponsors - so off I trotted, humongous/slightly ridiculous camera in tow, to snap away at all the wedding dresses, cakes, accessories etc.

Girly girls who have dreamt of their wedding forever, this post has something for you. Make up/Bareminerals lovers, it's also got you covered. Cake lovers (I mean, who isn't a cake lover? In fact if you're not, I'm not sure we can even be friends...) you're in for a treat. Nosey people - i.e girls after my own heart - who love slightly soppy, good news from other people, you might like this one also :)
Are you hungry now? Yeah, me too... Time for some flowers (men of the world, if you're girlfriend ends up reading this post, I apologise in advance for her moaning at you to by her flowers more often)
Ready for some dresses ladies? Oh go on then...
Now for suits, shoes, shows and miscellaneous others...
Time for the makeup lovers part. I was lucky enough to receive some beautiful items from BareMinerals. As I have never tried any BareMineral products before - #ShitBloggerSays - and my bag of goods included a nude gloss and the most gorgeous olive green shadow duo, I was more than excited to give them a try.
I'll be doing an in-depth review soon - well, as in-depth as you can get when attempting to describe exactly which shade of pink a gloss is ;) - but in short, they are all stunning products. In particular, the gloss and eyeshadows [insert heart eye'd emoji here]

Dreamy cakes, a lot of lace and some makeup over, it's time to cut to the chase, and the main point of this post (for me). I am not the most personal blogger because I don't get very personal in "real life". I've never been one to let the world - or Facebook for that matter, which is easily my biggest bugbear - know what I had for breakfast/who's pissed me off/the riveting fact that I've lost my keys etc. but it is something I would like to do a lot more (get personal on the blog that is, not let Facebook know about my Nutella Porridge breakfast) because as a slightly [read: very] nosey person, I love to feel like I'm getting to know the girl behind the blog. And hopefully by the end of this post, you may feel like you know me a little better too.

So, here's to me getting a little more personal [insert wine emoji here and virtually "Cheers" to you all]

At the end of January, I booked a spontaneous trip to New York, and a week later I was in what quickly became my favourite city in the world. I won't go into why I love New York so much because a) I've written a post all about the trip, so you can read that here and b) because you know I can chat until the cows come home, so get me started on something I love? Hey 2018!
So, I had the most incredible time. On our last full day, after visiting the Empire state building, eating more food than I ever imagined was possible, and generally taking in the delights of Manhattan, my boyfriend and I headed to Central Park to check out some more of the park that we had missed on the first day. You know what... I was going to sit here and note down every detail of what happened next, but I don't want to bore you to death/reveal every detail of a wonderful, private moment, so I'll cut to the chase. We wandered off path and ended up on a snow covered hill/pile of rocks/I definitely don't know what it was as it was covered in snow and after a little bit of soppy chat - Yep, even Ice Queen's get soppy now and again ;) - my best friend (otherwise known as my boyfriend/resident outfit photographer) dropped down on one knee and asked me to marry him.

I said No.

Just kidding, I said yes - after about 10 minutes of squeaking, making no words whatsoever and only vowel sounds (according to my boyfriend fiancĂ©, I have no recollection of this) - and I have pretty much spent the following 3 weeks stalking Pinterest taking it all in, celebrating with family and totally milking the word "fiancĂ©" for all it's worth.
So, to the most important part... I need your help. Whether you're married, engaged, know close friends/family that have got married... or even if you know nothing about weddings, I am an indecisive bit*h ridiculously indecisive, so all opinions/recommendations are welcome. :)

If you have/know any of the following, please holla leave recommendations in the comments below.
I will bring this ridiculously huge ramble/word vomit/scramble of a post to an end because I seem to have gone off in as many tangents as Katie Price has had husbands. To summarise, I went to the National Wedding show as a guest of BareMinerals, one of their official sponsors (thank you so much BareMinerals for the invite!), I got engaged, and now I need all your help planning the wedding ;)

No, in all seriousness (because sometimes I can do serious) I am extremely happy and excited about this next chapter of my life, and I'm even more excited to bring you all along with me.

As always, I hope you enjoyed this post. Thank you so much for reading!


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